Colours of an Auric Field

Colours of an Auric Field
Mystical Journey

Sunday, February 7, 2010

If all else fails take a deep breath and breathe!

Your yin,yang,chi,masculine and feminine aspect of self are totally connected.
Your chakras of which there are many, are the cores that collect the intuitive you and vibrate the feelings of the sound in you.
The inside cores of your chakras (chakra sanskrit meaning spinning wheel,chakras have evolved from Somatic times) they are never still and as you breath in the elements of life you move and so do the resonating molecules of these cores, interecating with the vibration of sound of many planets and beings.

You swing on your axis,they swing on theirs and you connect in the milliseconds of time. It is possible to go forward or back in time by reading the Aura, to see each and every life you have had and how you have evolved from your first incarnation.
Reading the Aura is like reading the street directory to the lives you have chosen.

Every chakra resonates a colour,is a musical note and connected to a planet, so we are universally connected.


The Base chakra colour is red/pink the scale of G and connects to Mars.
The Sacral colour chakra is orange/gold the scale E and connects to Jupiter.
The Solar Plexus eminates rays of gold, scales of EF and G and connects to Saturn.
The Heart chakra is mauve the scales A to E and connects to Venus..
The Throat chakra is sea green resonates the scale of higher C and connetcs to Pluto.
The Crown chakra is sky blue resonates to D and is connected to Uranus.
The Third Eye is indigio- violet resonates to the scales of B and E and connects to Mercury.

Throughout our life we are drawn to different kinds of music, music that resonates with ourself our sound our inner vibration.

This is how Vibrational Healing connects to us on a soul level, centres and compliments our well being.
Later on we will discuss the different types of "Vibrational Healing" available.

Watch this space for your vibrational food chart.
What makes us feel good spiritually.

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